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Caroline Chapter #39 O.E.S.


Mechanicsburg OH

2025 Officers


Worthy Matron                        Teresa Pience

Worthy Patron                         David Peters

Associate Matron                    Pam Moore

Associate Patron                     Bill Instine

Secretary                                Jeanette Roberts

Treasurer                                 Marion Johnson

Conductress                            Suzanne Dick

Associate Conductress           Paula Holmes

Chaplain                                  Al Johnson

Marshal                                    Rick Bails

Organist                                   Rose Davenport

Adah                                        Karen Bodey

Ruth                                         Nancy Instine

Esther                                      Jody Bails

Martha                                     Jeanne Godden

Electa                                      Karen Baughman

Warder                                     Bob Godden

Sentinel                                   Jim Oliver



         Pennie Brown    Al Johnson   Jody Bails


      Home Chapter of 

Carol Kauffman, PGM,  GC Benevolence
Steve Moore, PGP, Children's Dyslexia Centers
Suzanne Dick
, Chairman of Arrangements
Marion Johnson, GC Historian
Paula Holmes, Page to the COA

Jody Bails, District Secretary
Rick Bails, Aide to the District Secretary



Together we will succeed!


Dragonflies are sent as a sign from above, 
to show us we are cared for,
to tell us we are loved.


Be kind and compassionate to one another, 
forgiving each other, just as in Christ
God forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32

Teal, Royal Blue, Purple


Purple/blue hydrangea

Members of Elizabeth M Hood, Portia, West Jefferson, Elizabeth, Urbana
Upcoming Events

Dates to Note

March 15
44 Club
March 18
Cheese Orders Due
March 27
Cheese Delivery
Airport Cafe  8:30 a.m.
Springfield Masonic Center
March 14            Set up for Visitation/Reception         9:30 a.m.
March 17            Visitation for 2000 WGM Carol           Dinner 5:30
                            Kauffman and COA Suzanne Dick     Meeting 7:00
April 7                 Inspection by AGP, Todd Evans         7:30

Meeting Notes

First Monday at 7:30, except September, Second Monday and July and August, no meeting
Regular Meeting
March 3, 2025

28 members and friends came together, ready to enjoy a ham dinner, provided by Teresa and John PIence.   Thanks to Roger Davenport who finished the dishes so the meeting could begin. We are still working to get the elevator fixed, so a couple of our group were not able to stay for the meeting.  We were pleased to have our DGM, Beth Pearman, visiting for our Pre-Inspection visit and our very own Suzanne Dick, 2025 Chairman of Arrangements, who was presented by our AC, Sherri Bretland, who just happens to be the 2026 Chairman of Arrangements!  Kelly Sparks, Grand Representative of Wisconsin and WM of Sterling, was also presented.  Other Worthy Matrons and Worthy Patrons present included Cathie Littleton, London, and John Pience, Olivet.  Our District Secretary, Jody Bails, and her aide, Rick Bails, were also present, along with the Grand Historian, Marion Johnson. 

Our Sunshine fund was approved to be donated to one of our men who has a long term health situation.   We balloted on a petition, which was approved, and she will be initiated at our Inspection on April 7.  We had pro-tem initiatory work using four candidates, since we will have four for our inspection.  Thank you to Cathie Littleton, Cathy Furrow, Cindy Johnson and Kim Kussman for their attention as the listened to each lecture.  The reception for our 25 year PGM, Carol Kauffman and our COA, Suzanne Dick, is set for March 17 and plans were shared by Marion Johnson.  We are nearing 100 reservations for dinner, so our dining room will be full!   We will set up on March 14 at 9:30 a.m. and all help will be appreciated.  Thank you to those baking cookies for the to go bags. We discussed our Inspection which will be April 7, with Todd Evans, AGP as our Inspecting officer. Officers are asked to bring salads and desserts. 

WM, Teresa, thanked everyone for their good work for our first time through, and also thanked her pro-tems, Sherri and Kelly.   DGM, Beth, thanked all who met with her tonight and noted that the work, especially the circle of prayer, was well done.  She encouraged us to continue studying our parts, and to enjoy the Visitation/Reception on March 17!


Contact Us

     Masonic Temple Address
10 N Main St
Mechanicsburg OH 
Get In Touch

Thanks for submitting! We will respond promptly!


About OES 

Caroline Chapter #39, OES, is a subordinate chapter of Ohio Grand Chapter and the General Grand Chapter. 

The Order of the Eastern Star is one of the largest fraternal organization to which both men and women may belong.  It is a social order comprised of persons with spiritual values, but it is not a religion.  Its appeal rests in the true beauty of the refreshing and character-building lessons that are so sincerely portrayed in its ritualistic work.  A deep fraternal bond exists between its members.  It is the wholesome relationship of sisterly and brotherly love brought about through high principles exemplified in our lives which makes us near and dear to each other.
While this Order is composed of people of deep spiritual convictions, it is open to all faiths, except no faith.  The personal welfare of our members is vital to all of those in the Eastern Star and it is considered a privilege to help another member whenever we can.
The stated purposes of the organization are Charitable, Educational, Fraternal and Scientific, but there is much more to it than that.  Dr. Rob Morris, the Poet Laureate of Masonry, founded the Order using beautiful and inspiring biblical examples of heroic conduct and moral values.  These portray the noble principles which should adorn the personal lives of Eastern Star members.  Eastern Star strives to take good people and through uplifting and elevating associations of love and service, and through precept and example, build an Order which is truly dedicated to Charity, Truth and Loving Kindness.

If you are a Master Mason in good standing or a woman with one of the following specific Masonic affiliations to a Master Mason living or in good standing at the time of his death, age 18 or older, you may become a member:

Wife                            Grandmother                        Granddaughter                   Sister-in-law               

Widow                         Daughter                              Great granddaughter         Aunt

Mother                        Stepdaughter                        Sister                                 Niece

Stepmother                Legally adopted daughter     Half-sister                           Great niece

Mother-in-law             Daughter-in-law                    Stepsister       

You may also join if you were either an active member for three (3) years or majority member of the International Order of Job's Daughters, or of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls, and have attained the age of at least eighteen (18) years.


If you have an interest in joining, please contact us using the form above and we will answer your questions and, if you desire, help you locate a chapter close to you.

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